Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

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Not This House     Page 1

Rad was busy sweeping away the incredibly thick layers of dust from everything.  It billowed about obscuring everything.  When it settled he looked around.  "How did this place get so dusty just since the Solstice?"

Dull faded ribbons bedecked the tops of the walls and there were bunches of fake white berries with leafy branches dangling from the centre of each room.  In the corner of the main room there was a large thick stick with many offshoots pointing each way.  The entire thing tapered toward the top and there were all manner of glass globes and strings of tiny lights.  Atop of the stick was a star.  Underneath were several boxes in what was once bright paper with ribbons.  "What's this?"

Chris glanced at it.  "It's a tree that was decorated.  I don't think anyone was in this house this past Solstice or for many before this."

"So what the drek is going on then?"

Max walked into the house through the front door.  He stood there taking in the layout of the room and all of the things in it.  He looked at Chris who nodded and left the house.  Rad looked at Max questioningly.  Max told him softly, "Come along Rad."

Rad crossed the room.  "What is going on here Max?  Do you want to clue me in?"

"Come outside and we'll talk.  First though put that globe back on the tree where you got it.  Come on, you can't take it.  It wouldn't be right.  Yeah, right

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