Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

Come to Spider Battle Part 1

The night is still strong and morning a couple hours away yet.  The snow has stopped blowing and there is a strange calm.  The air smells full.  The snow might begin to fall again at any time.  Yorgi (prn. Yor-ghi) pokes her head of out the APC and in her high liquid voice wails, "Yeesh.  Why do we have to be in this forsaken place above the circle of the top of the planet?"

"We're not that far north Yorgi." said Daavi (prn. Dahv-eye).

"Yeah well I wouldn't believe that.  It's like 100 below here just inside the door."

"Put your PA on then.  Stop bellyaching about the temp.  That's a hell of a belly to ache."

"Yuck it up scorpion man.  You got three bellies from what I seen."

"What do you want anyway tentacle head?"

"Aside from ear-muffs and the cartilidge to put them on, I want a word with our Shifter."

"Ah.  Thosl!! (prn. Thaw-sel)" Daavi bellows.

The Basilisk saunters over to the APC.  "Yes.  Is there something that you need of me?" she asks, her voice like the rumbling of the earth.

Yorgi tells her, "Come on in and let me get away from this draft.  I got some new mission parameters and I need your input on...

 Close the door.  You're gonna catch me a terrible cold woman.    Woah, woah, okay, maybe not you personally... Um, where was I, oh yeah, we have to go the far west line, and I need to know if you can speed things up in getting us there."

Thosl closes her eyes and sways her head back on forth on her long sinous neck.  From side to side she sways as she begins to slowly turn around.  She stops and leans forward extending her neck until her forhead is almost against the side of the APC.  She opens her eyes and says, "It is quite warm in here.  I do not know how you can stand it."

"All that to tell me it's warm in here?"

"No, all that to tell you that there is a temporary transit pyramid that way.  Take us there and I will send us to another such station on the other side of the kingdom."

"That's my girl."

"I am not your girl.  If anything you would be my snack.  However you do have your uses.  I might not want to walk everywhere we go if I were to snack upon parts of you."

"Woah, alright. I mean no harm by it."

"Best you do not."

"Alright, alright."

Thosl opens the door and steps out of the APC.  She closes the door behind her.  Yorgi mumbles to herself, "Snack on me.  Right!  I'm almost as long as that fat cow."

Daavi says to Thosl, "One of these days you should turn her to stone for a few hours."

"Perhaps Daavi" she tells him.

Granmarljin glides in on his TK wing board.  He stretches out his claws and ruffles his wings.  "Okay people we are on our way."

"What are we up to this time?" asks Shisen (prn. Shee-sen) holding up his lantern light spell by the scruff.  The light casts shadows on his sewn on mouth and nose and his bright button eyes.

Gerry (prn. Jerry) closes his eyes down to slits then grins his wide long canine smile and answers, "We are going to anihilate more of the Coalition troops.  This time it is those who think they can sneak up on the backside of the kingdom and catch us asleep."

"That is correct." says Granmarljin giving the dragon wolf a dirty look.  "So everyone gather up your stuff.  We're leaving within the hour."

Thosl speaks up, "We may have to move sooner than planned or stay longer."

"I sense nothing." says Gerry after a moment's concentration.

"Kleese sees seven Juicers in C.S. armour approaching from the south-east.  They will be here within six minutes if they stay their course." she tells everybody.

"I will stay behind and deal with them.  They will know not what hit them." says Daavi.

"Okay," says Grandmarljin, "we shall see you at the final destination's co-ordinates."

Daavi moves off.  Thosl speaks outloud to her familiar, "Kleese, I will bring you to me.  We must move."

An echoey roar that comes from all around her is her answer.  A bright circle of light appears in the snow.  A black shape rises from it and resolves itself into Kleese, a massive Kodiak bear with ebony claws and teeth.  He rises up on his back legs and towers over her.  He shambles forward arms outstretched and grabs Thosl in a massive bear hug and roars practically in her earhole.  "I missed you too Kleese. Our thanks to Ketszajakzyce (prn. Ket-za-jack-seize).  Now we have to hustle out of here.  Please get into the trailer."

Kleese roars once more and then drops to all fours and walks over to the trailer, noses the switch and climbs aboard.  Thosl joins him.  Shisen enters the APC and Gerry climbs to his poisition upon it.

Granmarljin's wing board lifts into the air and he lifts his right hand in the direction Thosl indicated to Yorgi and they set off to the transportation point.

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