Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

Come to Spider Battle Side Story

Daavi waited for the CS Juicers.  He adjusted the optics band and scanned the dark distance.  Nothing, then there were four shapes, humanoid, and moving fast, really fast.  Daavi slid Sojanna out of it's scabbard.  "Good morning Sojanna.  Be ready to taste the chemical enhanced blood of C.S. Juicers.  In an instant they shall be upon us.  I would like to show them your speed and our sturdiness."


"Thank you Sojanna."

The Juicers sniped at him from the distance.  He let them bounce off of him harmlessly.  Then the other three he did not sight were at his back.  Sojanna flashed through the air and one of the Juicers burst out of his armour into a pile of flesh and innards that steamed their way down through the snow.  The others didn't even register it it happened so fast even on thier time scale.  They moved as if nothing had happened and one raked his vibro-claws across Daavi's left elbow and the other jammed his vibro-bayonet at the lower section of Daavi's upper torso.  Daavi ignored the v-claws and the Amalgamate batted away the bayonet with its long secondary-mouth tentacle.  Then Daavi was slicing away at the next Juicer.

This one he hacked at like a tree and cleaved clean through before he knew what was happening.  The other Juicer clued into the demise of the first and mistakenly tried to back away.  Sojanna bit into him again and again until he flew apart armour and all.  Daavi shouted to the other four Juicers who had little time to close in, "Don't make me come after you."

They ran.  Daavi took flight and caught the first one easily, impalled him upon Sojanna.  There was a bright flash as it devoured his soul.  He tossed the body through the air and pumping his wings in long strokes soared after the next Juicer.  He touched down in front of the Juicer and cut him to ribbons in a downpour of strokes.  The third he lopped the head off of and Sojanna fed on his soul as well.  The last Daavi disarmed and then put away Sojanna.  "I have always wanted to find out how the chemicals of the Juicer stand against my venom."

Daavi pried open the shoulder joint of the Juicer's armour and stabbed him almost tenderly with his stinger.  He undid the Juicer's helmet to find a woman inside.  She stared at him defiantly for a moment before her eyes rolled up inside her head and her limbs went slack.  He watched as her breathing shallowed out and then stopped.  Slowly her skin turned blue and then ashen.  Then when he thought that she must certainly die her colour began to return.

He waited for her to regain conciousness which was not long and he told her, "Tell your superiors that they will surely lose this war.  Their technology is no match for our magic, nor shall it ever be."

He jammed the helmet back on her head, took one leg in his left pincer and lifted into the air.  He flew a brief moment reaching his top speed and then slowed to a stop, lowered to just above the ground, and dumped her.  He lifted high in the sky and then took off.  Speaking over his shoulder he asked, "Please take us to the final location of today's mission Sojanna."


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