Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

Come to Spider Battle Part 3

Thosl stood in the shadow of a large tree.  Coalition soldiers scurried about.  She waved her slender claws and chanted quietly.  The clouds above the battle scene darkened ever so slightly.  The spell came to an end and a bright flash of lightning fell from the sky striking one of the soldiers on the head.  He moved on unconcerned for a moment then stopped and pulled off his helmet.  The air circulations in the suit had stopped and it would not be long before he suffocated otherwise.  Thosl lowered her eyelids slowly and raised them again.  Crimson beams shot from her eyes to the soldiers unprotected head and he turned to stone instantly.

She moved away from the tree and made her way further up the field of battle.  She repeated the procedure once more before the troops began combing the woods.  She hid in the shadow of another tree and cast a new spell.  She metamorphosised into a fox and circled around a C.S. man.  She got in right behind him and batted the back of his knee with one paw.  The man pitched forward head first into a tree with a loud crunch.  Only the tree was hurt.  She bit into the armour of the back of the leg she struck and shook the man back and forth.  He stopped moving and she chewed a hole in the leg of the armour.  Then she turned her crimsom beams on him.

Elsewhere deeper into the forest one of the Coaltion men carefully walked past a large sleeping bear.  He passed it by and then stopped watching it.  It was a terrible mistake.  Kleese waited for the man to pass and then got to his feet.  He padded up behind the man and rose to stand on just his hind legs.  He smashed the man to the ground and sat on him.  With a mighty heave he twisted the man's helmet right around backwards shattering the restraints meant to prevent such a thing.  The man screamed and then fell silent as Kleese ripped the helmet free and the soldier's head with it.


<Quickly: THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD...>  They chewed up the snow and earth in great divots as they migrated across the land.  "I have not seen such a frightening plateau since that swarm of Magots when I first came to this world."

"Magots?  You don't mean those little white things that like dead things."

"How succinctly put Yorghi, but no, I mean giant three legged monsters with eyes on stalks that put Thosl's stonings to shame."

"Those Skull Walkers sure are a sight though.  Chills me to the spine.  Now that we've seen them we can go, right Shisen?"

"Certainly not.  They among other things are our target."

"Oh drek. <Rat-a-tattle.>  We're drawing fire.  Be a dear and handle the molars."

"You need a full crew Yorghi.  I'm not good with this distance stuff.  Let me get out there with my sword not connect the red cross to the red square and push a button."

<Shouting.>  "Fire for my mother's sake.  Two just I like I showed you."

Three of the eight Skull Walkers chewed their way across the ground to rail gun distance from the APC.  Nearer by ground troops broke from out of the trees and began firing on the APCs flank.  Yorghi picked them off one at a time with the main turret.  The Skull Walkers opened fire their railgun rounds chewing into the face of the APC.  Shisen fired the first volley of two missiles and they fell short of the intended target exploding uselessly.  He shouted to Yorghi, "My aim was true but the strike was not."

"Oh drek oh drek oh drek" she squealed, "They've got much better range than we do.  Hold on honey."

The APC roared loudly and shot forward on a collision course for the nearest Walker.  Yorghi howled as she slammed the trigger again and again on the Auto Cannon. The Ramjet rounds shrieked through the air.  The Walker took as much as it dished out.  Unfortunately it was made of sterner stuff and Yorghi was more than relieved when they got underneath of the machine.  She turned on the smoke dispensor and switched controls to the missile launcher Shisen was not manning.  Together they worked on running the supplies dry on the other two Walkers between the jets of thick oily black smoke.  The other Walkers were defenseless as Yorghi maintained a position under the frantic Walker trying to shake it's deadly mite.

Shisen targeted his Walker carefully and punched an armour piercer through the skull body. He shouted his amazement, "From Dyval's heart I stab at thee!"

"What?  What?  Oh shock, you pierced it.  I don't see an exit wound.  Take my target, I'm going to finish it."

"Yorghi swapped missile batteries and took her time on the shot.  She slammed the plasma missile right inside the Skull Walker.  "Buu-ya!" she shrieked.

The Walker exploded into a fireball.  One of the legs flew right at their own Walker and clanged off of it harmlessly.  The radio warbled and then flooded with voices.  The Coalition troops were terrified.  That was when their shield did the impossible.  It crouched in the front, slammed into the ground and then rolled ass over tea kettle.  The rail guns had bounced the machine back onto it's feet again.  It took off like a shot the head turning around to fire upon the APC.

Yorghi ignored the weapons controls and focused on manouevering.  "I hope somebody gets here soon to bail us out while we're still in one piece."

"I'm going out."

"You're crazed."

"Just watch me Yorghi."

He opened the top of the turret and leapt off of the APC pulling his Battle Fury claymore.  He ran three steps before triggering an amulet and teleporting to the top of one of the Skull Walkers.  He jammed the sword into the skull and cut it like it was nothing more than a big blue apple.  He made a large enough hole in the top hatch and began working on the inner hatch.  The inside was like butter for the sword.  He dropped down inside.

A soldier rose witha vibro-knife in hand and dropped back down into his seat when he came eyes to buttons with the living scarecrow.  Shisen ran him through with the powerful rune sword turning the man to mush.  The others got to their feet survival taking precedence over fear.  One jammed a laser pistol in his side and fired.  The shot ripped through Shisen's side but it was like being pieced with a long thin needle.  One of the control panels erupted in flames from the laser strike and Shisen backed away from it.

The other soldier fell on Shisen with his vibro-knife.  Instinctively he ripped the sword upwards slicing off the man's arm at the elbow.  The laser wielder raised the gun uncertain about firing agian in the enclosed space not knowing that the first shot has passed through the scarecrow's body.  Shisen smashed the man in the face with his elbow shattering the man's face and driving it into his brain.  The forearmless man fell back and collapsed on the plating that comprised the floor.  Shisen ran him through.

Meanwhile Yorghi was driving the APC backwards protecting the weakened front end.  Ramjet rounds shrieked every which way in angry swarms.  The final Skull Walker teetered around the churned up ground.  The cracked skull upon the legs grinned lopsidedly as the entire machine pitched backward after Yorghi nailed it with the last missile which exploded in a spray of fire retardant foam.  It rolled until its rail guns hit the ground then it spun lazily until it faced away from the APC.  Yorghi filled it full of holes until the legs fell off.

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