Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

Come to Spider Battle Part 4

Daavi traded railgun blasts with one of the Spider Skull Walkers.  The Walker's blasts spanged harmlessly off of his Elom's electro-magnetic forcefield.  His shots finally succeeded in slaging the Walker's left cannon.  It was too bad that he arrived so late.  If only he could have known the battle place was moved.  Now it was time to move in and cripple this mechanical monster.  He took to flight and landed on the machine with six swift pumps of his wings.

He extended the alien-metal claws from his human forearms and bit into the edge of the top hatch with his pincers for purchase as the machine charged aroun kicking up drifts of snow.  He punched right through the top hatch with his claws and ripped the door free.  He sliced around the circumference of the inner hatch and it dropped down into the cabin.  Two of the men inside we waiting for him with laser pistols at the ready.  They fired immediately but the Elom's field sucked up the energy instantaneously.

Daavi pulled back and readied his TW Shard pistol.  Laser fire streaked up out of the top of the Walker and when one of the streams of shots stopped he made his move.  He leaned forward and fired off a burst with the pistol.  The magically hardened ice lanced through everything.  The Skull Walker skidded to a halt and then lurched violently forward.  A flap of his wings kept Daavi from pitching off of the machine.  He fired another burst emptying the clip.  Shisen could recharge it for him later.


Gerry flew into battle with light streaming from his vulpine form and a psi-sword blazing from the top of his dragon's tail.  He pumped his leathery wings almost lazily.  A foot solider levelled his rifle and his hand froze on the trigger.  Gerry latched onto his natural fear and amplified it a hundred fold.  The soldier dropped his gun and putting his hands to his helmet turned and ran screaming.  Gerry dropped on him like a stone.  He slipped the psi-sword up through a normally inaccessible place and pierced the chest of the screaming man's to slience him.

Gerry stepped away from the corpse and realized that laser fire was whittling away at his psychic body field.  A few short lunges and he was face to face with the nearest man.  Gerry told him, "Agonise." and he shrieked as every nerve ending in his body was lit up making him a living tree of pain.  He would shriek until his lungs collapsed and his heart burst all over inside on his chest.

The psychic body field collapsed and Gerry turned towards the shattering bolt.  The perpetrator was loading a new clip.  Gerry ripped it from his hand with his telekinesis and then targetted the grenades on the bandolier strapped across the soldiers chest.  He set them all off at once and the man exploded into a flurry of shrapnel and blood.


Granmarljin fly his War Board, the modified Wing Board that he had made himself.  The generator for the weapon systems keened half in and half out of his hearing range setting his teeth on edge.  The heavy strain he was putting on it might prove to be too much.  Another Spider Skull Walker exploded into a cloud of debris.  He jetted away from it and the battle to flip over to the secondary generator.

Rejoining the battle he fired the main cannon on one of the Walkers.  The gun sputtered its gobs of liquid fire almost straight down.  "Drek" he muttered as the Walker's railgun rounds slammed into his craft's underside.

The Board tilted crazily and Gran dugs his claws into the special holes made just for such a situation.  The Board spiralled towards the ground as he fought to gain control of it.  The ground rushed up to meet him at a dizzying rate so he pushed off from the Board as the snow cirlced underneath him and took wing.  The Battle Board crashed to the ground and exploded.

"No I wouldn't hit the Skull Walker and then explode either.  Shocking machine.  Must build genny's myself next time.  Now what am I supposed to do.  Must I crack into it like a common monster and scramble the insides of the crew?  I guess so."


Yorghi and Shisen regrouped and moved towards the rest of the battle.  Their Spider Skull Walkers were out of commision, fodder for the operators and techno-wizards.  One would make a good decoy or Trojan Walker.  "I must say Shisen.  There is a certain speed to your style of dealing with these things."

"Just be thankful that I did not fall off of either one.  This amulet is dead out of teleports.   There is no way I could have gotten back up and that fourth one that came would have had you."

"Yeah thanks.  ...Granmarljin radioed me.  His 'Battle Board' blew up."

"Is Granmarljin all right?"

"Yes, he got off of it before the crash.  He doesn't know if the generators caused the crash or just the explosion when it hit."

"Next time he will take his own advice then when he points out a problem with a part from the market."


Thosl was on the radio. "I'm done with all of the ground troops.  I will join you within the minute.  Please do not fire upon the blood soaked eagle."

"This is Yorghi confirming your approach Eagle Niner."

Thosl had made short work of the ground troops with a little help from Kleese who was busy eating his trophies.  She told him to save one to bring along on the trip back to base camp.  He often didn't listen to such personal suggestions.  He liked his meals as close to warm as was possible.

The animal guises she used on the soldiers were quite successful.  There wasn't time to watch out for small animals for fear they might be turn you to stone.  Also by varying the animal from attack to attack even once it was radioed she was out there they never new from waht direction her attack would come.  Kleese only added to the human's confusion.

Daavi wished that these monstrous mechanical spiders were not so nimble.  You had to take out three legs to slow them in the slightest.  Meanwhile their lasers flashed again and again.  His Elom symbiote had nearly reached its limit to protect him even though he avoided as many blasts as possible.  He coaxed it to lower its defenses and reserve its strength.

There was a certain boring quality to ripping into the top of the machines and filling the men and women inside full of holes. Four or five chops each to all three legs on one side was similarly unfulfilling.  The last one he considered assigned to him fell to the ground with a thud and a puff of snow.

Gerry joined Granmarljin to phsyically pound on the final Skull Walker.  He sat on one of its cannons digging through the eye of the skull to get at the Softies inside.  Gran opened the hatches on the top with his telemechanics and threw a grenade inside.  The small bomb went off in a fury of light and sound.  His purpose in this was to take a couple of prisoners for questioning.  Gerry would enjoy forcing the answers out of them with pain, and fear, and severing of small pieces.

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