Rifts Coalitions Wars

So Far

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musical notes It's Christmas Time in the Merc Camp... musical notes
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Rad looked at the box that G'lishi handed him.  It was about a foot square on the ends and a little wider than that on the other faces.  On the front were two buttons, one red and one green.  Rad eyed them suspiciously.  The dragon was staring at him expectantly.  Rad stared back a moment and G'lishi nodded his head up and down like he had seen Archer do repeatedly when he wanted the baby dragon to do something.  Taking a deep breath Rad pressed the green button.  A spray of something came out of the centre of the box and Rad ducked out of the way lifting the box over his head nearly dropping it.  Carefully Rad lowered the box in front of his chest again.

Rad watched the dragon grinning wide enough to swallow a man.  It started to nod its head again.  Rad switched hands and got a good grip on one of the corners.  He slowly reached out for the red button.  He pressed it and another spray of liquid came out.  He dodged it and managed to hang on to the box steadily.  He examined the snow where the liquids had landed.  The first splotch of coloured snow was green.  The second was red.  In spite of himself Rad smiled and asked, "Did you make that all by yourself?"

G'lishi's translator did its thing and the dragon nodded his head.  The translator said that G'lishi was quite disappointed that neither spray had caught Rad.  Rad shrugged his shoulders and thanked G'lishi for the present.  G'lishi then said something to Rad and R.C. started laughing.  Rad looked at R.C. who kept on

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